Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have recently decided that some things just get a universal WTF and here they are:

*Rihanna and Chris Brown together again. WTF?! I mean he beat her up. She couldn't perform at the Grammy's and now she has taken him back! I understand this happens in our society and in our world. I know. I don't understand why but I understand that it does. But this a well-know celebrity couple. She is a role model to young girls everywhere. What kind of role model takes back the guy who beat her up?! I'm sorry but if she does take him back and if she doesn't press charges I hope she quickly loses her popularity. Otherwise it is likely young girls will find that kind of behavior allowable. It is sad enough young girls and women already feel that way, they don't need a famous, well-known celebrity showing them that's how it is.
Ladies - if a man hits you he DOESN'T love you. Period.

* Rush Limbaugh wants Obama to fail. WTF?! I know he isn't a fan and isn't a supporter but the president failing is our country failing. We had a president who failed and look where that left us. I'm sorry but this is just wrong! I didn't support McCain and I passionately disliked Palin but still if they had won I'd be damned if I'd be saying that I hope they fail. This is where the political divide in our country has gone array. Yes, you can dislike someone, hope they don't win but in the end we hsould be united. If Obama fails - doesn't fix the economy, the market continues to fall, etc. - then our entire way-of-life will suffer. It already is suffering. At some point you have to put your own views aside and hope for the greater good of our country. I don't care who is in office, I never have and never will hope 'the president fails.' Rush Limbaugh - WTF?!

* Octuplet mom wants help. WTF?! (I may have expressed a view on this before but still...) She had these babies and was going on all the news showing saying, "I don't want handouts" and now her she is wanting hand outs. WTF?! I know, it's hard. She has like 14 kids. Ok. But she CHOSE to have 8 more. 8 more at once no less! I understand religious views. I understand she wants to be Angelina Jolie. But come on! Would God want all 14 kids to suffer because of the mom's political/religious views? I don't think so. And Angelina Jolie earns $20 million a movie. A MOVIE! With that kind of money she can afford to have 800 kids. Fine. But come on. If you can't afford to care for them, don't have them. Seriously. Octuplet mom... WTF?!

* Reality TV. WTF?! I know a lot of people watch it. I know American Idol, the Bachelor, Survivor are all huge hits. Yes, I get it. But WHY? I mean I have *tried* to watch these shows and I just don't get it. And why are they called reality? They are so not reality. In reality the person who is attacked by the shark doesn't have a TV crew there to chase the shark off. In reality you don't get $100 per good deed. In reality you don't earn a TV show for being an ass to someone less educated than you. Maybe I turn these shows on at the wrong point. Maybe I just have a bad disposition for these things. All I know is everytime I turn these shows on I am slapped in the face with people who I can't for the life of me understand why people watch them week after week. I miss the days of Cosby Show, Golden Girls, I Love Lucy, etc. When it wasn't real. When families stayed together. Couples loved each other as much at the start of their marriage as they did 20 years later. It might not have been real but that was the beauty of it. It took us away from the reality of our lives. Maybe if we had a little more fiction and a little less reality we'd all have a better outlook on life? Just a thought.

Disclaimer - I am NOT trying to be mean or bitchy with this posting. I am simply saying things that I personally don't understand or comprehend. I don't claim to be 100% right on these things or that I a flawless. And I am NOT bitter. I just would like to feel as though we had more happiness and joy in our world than saddness and pain. I think some of these things bring that saddness to the forefront. Not a fact, just an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! And don't worry about the disclaimers; I think this was a fabulous post.
